Announcements for the Week of

February 9, 2025

Spring Adult Study Materials:  Sunday School materials for next quarter’s study will be distributed outside of the sanctuary entrance immediately after the completion of worship services on February 16, 2025. For any questions or requests, please contact Deacon Dennis Morgan or Bro. Craig Umstead.
The NPBC Sunday School and Children’s Church Ministries will be rehearsing for the Black History Month
Program.  Parents are encouraged to support their children’s participation.  Deacon Dennis Morgan or Bro. Craig Umstead will provide additional information on the specific time for rehearsals each week.
The Sunday School Ministry encourages the congregation to wear African American Garments and Attire
in support of Black History Month on February 23 during morning service. Please celebrate the uniqueness of African American achievement and contributions to society, this nation, and throughout the world.
The Strategic Planning Workshop for all Chairpersons and officers will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM in the fellowship hall.  The Facilitator is Deaconess Camellia Inman.
Upcoming Events: 
The Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Memorial Banquet” will be held on Friday, February 14, 2025 at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Durham, North Carolina at 7:00 PM.   The cost is $75.00 per person. Doors open at 6:15 PM.  
The Woman’s 1-Day Session is scheduled for 9:00 AM Saturday, February 15, 2025 at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel. (Address: 4700 Emperor Blvd., Durham, NC) 
GBSC Ushers’ One Day Session is scheduled for 9:00 AM Saturday, February 22 at Mount Peace Baptist Church in Raleigh, North Carolina.  You may register online by February 17 or register the morning of the Session. The Host Pastor is Rev. Vincent Terry, Sr.
1Q Church Conference will be held on Friday, March 7, 2025 at 7:00 PM in the fellowship hall.
Thrive Youth Ministry: All Middle and High School Youth are invited to our Thrive Youth Ministry Sessions
every second Sunday in the fellowship hall after the morning announcements. 
We would love to hear of the good news of our Membership. Examples:  Retirement, Promotions and Accomplishments. Starting in the month of February, Sister Highsmith will share the information every other month to the membership via email. Please do not send any pictures.  Please send the information in 40 words or less to Sister Tammy Chapman at
In case of inclement weather, cancellation information will be available on WTVD 11, WRAL 5/WRAZ 50,
Constant Contact email, DialMyCalls Text Messages and NPBC website.
Noon Day Bible Study is held each Wednesday at 12:00 Noon with exception of holidays. 
(Dial 848-220-3300. Access code 7266492#).  
Evening Bible Study:  Please join us for evening Bible Study from January 29th – March 5th. Our current evening study is “My Spiritual Journey” by Paul Thomas Mathews. This is a 6-week Right Now Media study. Do you ever feel like your spiritual journey is a rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs and unexpected turns? Are you longing to develop consistency and intimacy in your walk with God? Whether you’re new to the faith or have been walking with God for years this Bible study will remind you of what it means to accept the gift of salvation in Christ Jesus. Pastor Paul Thomas invites you to a deeper, more intentional relationship with Christ and other believers. Please join Brother Myles Coston and Reverend Felecia Lucas, as they facilitate this session via Zoom beginning Wednesday, January 29th at 7:00 PM.
The First Aid Ministry will administer blood pressure checks on the third Sunday of each month. If you would like your blood pressure checked, please come to the front of the Sanctuary after our morning worship service.       
NPBC Prayer Line Call-In will be available every Thursday morning at 6:00 AM.
(Dial 848-220-3300. Access code 7266492#) The email address for prayer request is   Prayer Request can be submitted on line or placed in the “Prayer Request” box. Intercessory Prayer members will pray over every request submitted.  
NOT ABLE TO JOIN US IN PERSON?  The NPMBC Phone Live Stream Line is active and operating for those who are traveling, worshiping from home, or those who may not have access to the internet. Classes and devotion begin at 8:35 a.m. The NPMBC Phone Live Stream number is: 1(888) 458-5443.  
Food Bank distributions on the second and third Saturdays of each month.
The eFax number for New Providence Baptist Church is 984-285-7494.